
What Is Enterprise Hardware?

March 29, 2021
March 8, 2023
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A craftsperson is only as good as their tools, and a business is only as strong as its hardware. When it comes to enterprise hardware, having the right technology backing your business can lead to more efficient and productive operations. 

Consider the rapid adoption rate of cloud services: in one decade, cloud services (including cloud computing and storage) went from essentially nonexistent to a near-$100 billion industry

Businesses don’t spend that kind of money unless it will overall help bolster their bottom line; that’s exactly what we’ve seen with enterprise computer hardware.

So what is enterprise hardware? And how can you leverage enterprise systems hardware to boost your bottom line?

What Is Enterprise Hardware and How Can It Help Your Business? 

First, we need to properly categorize what we mean when we say ‘enterprise hardware.’

For our purposes, we’re referring to hardware IT, enterprise-level tech more specifically. In other words, we’re discussing the enterprise hardware infrastructure of your information technology systems. 

But what does that mean? 

In short, enterprise-level hardware refers to the servers, data storage devices, networking equipment, and other hardware that comprises your IT. So basically, any physical piece of tech that makes up your IT is covered by this definition. This includes: 

  • Enterprise server hardware
  • Enterprise backup hardware 
  • Enterprise networking hardware 
  • Enterprise wifi hardware
  • Any router and accompanying enterprise firewall hardware
  • Any business computer/device (mobile devices, tablets, desktop computers, laptops, etc.)
  • Storage devices 
  • Computer hardware
  • Network equipment and network hardware
  • Solid state drives
  • And more

In sum, it’s fairly comprehensive and encompassing. While related, it’s important not to confuse these discrete devices with enterprise software (think your applications, operating system, management system software, etc.). A good software company in Montreal can help clear any confusion.

Just reading off that list can be daunting, with many terms that, while you may be familiar with, you may not have an in-depth understanding of what that specific term entails. 

Take an enterprise hardware firewall, for example. 

We know what firewalls do: they protect our computers from devastating breaches. But how do they do this? By monitoring incoming and outgoing network traffic and determining whether to admit or deny access based on a defined set of security rules in place. 

And that’s just a high-level understanding - we could go much, much deeper in depth into all the various components of your enterprise hardware and how each system works, but that takes time and specific training/expertise. 

But what is obvious is just how important our enterprise hardware infrastructure is to the day-to-day operations of our business. 

How Enterprise Systems Hardware Delivers Massive ROI

Let’s go back to firewalls: with this defence on your network hardware, you can potentially prevent a data breach or other form of cyber attack. The ROI on this investment is potentially business-saving. Why? Because the average cost of a cybersecurity breach in the U.S. is $8.64 million, according to IBM

That same study found that it takes around 280 days to even identify and contain a breach - by having strong firewalls up at the start, you could potentially prevent this worst case scenario. 

No matter if you’re a small business or enterprise-grade company, the cost of a data breach can be devastating. 

Which brings us back to the importance of having strong enterprise hardware at your business. 

And the examples of enterprise hardware potentially saving your business huge sums of money are pretty much endless. 

Consider that the best enterprise wifi hardware will not only speed up your wireless connection,  but also prevent internet downtime, which can halt business operations in a modern workplace (especially with our growing reliance on remote work in the age of COVID). 

Or that IT downtime in general costs an average business $5,600 per minute, according to Gartner. Subpar network setups and hardware are among the most common causes of these potentially crippling periods of IT downtime. 

Or going back to the cybersecurity issue: if you do suffer a data breach, having backup data storage devices or making use of a cloud data center with backup capabilities can dramatically reduce the damage your business will face as a result of said breach. 

Even something as simple as having appropriate power supply can be easily overlooked, leading to losses in productivity.

And having connections with, for example, enterprise server hardware vendors can ensure that your business gets the best tech for the best price.

In other words, when it comes to enterprise hardware, there’s a lot to consider, and it pays to be informed. 

Work With One of the Elite Enterprise Hardware Companies

Enterprise hardware companies

Now that we can answer the question ‘what is a hardware-enterprise infrastructure composed of’, it’s time to drive your productivity forward with superior enterprise hardware solutions. 

The professionals at Quadbridge have experience facilitating and optimizing businesses’ technology adoption. 

We have deep industry partnerships with many enterprise hardware vendors that we leverage to ensure that your tech is affordable and suited to your business’s unique needs. 

We support your business with:

We’ll advise your business on hardware acquisition and support its implementation, giving you a product and solution all-in-one. Contact us today for a quote and start deploying cutting-edge enterprise hardware to drive your business forward.

Quadbridge outperforms with end-to-end IT solutions and managed services

Client profile

Industry: Environmental
Employees: 25-50

✓ Managed IT

✓ Managed M365

✓ Managed Backup

✓ Professional Service

✓ Managed Endpoint

After supporting Waterloo Biofilter with an office move, they quickly switched fromtheir current Managed Services Provider to Quadbridge. We now manage their entireIT environment and support their end-to-end IT needs.

The challenge

  • The client was un happy with their MSP
  • The client needed a partner who was responsive, proactive, and would implement IT best practices for their organization
  • They needed onsite and report support for ongoing IT management activities as well as complex, specialized projects

Our solution

• Quadbridge worked with the client to implement our Elite IT service thatprovides ongoing IT monitoring and management, responsive help desk,proactive service, and vCIO consulting

• We’ve become a fully trusted partner and have proactively led a number ofinitiatives to improve performance and advance their IT, including thefollowing services:

• Managed Cloud Backup: we optimized their backup strategy with anaccessible, cost-efficient cloud-based backup solution that our teamcontinuously monitors and assists with restore requests.

• Infrastructure Architecture: we upgraded their server infrastructure toimprove redundancy and performance – especially for employees workingremotely.

• Ad Hoc Requests: as the clients’ IT support, our team uses our range ofexpertise and onsite support capabilities to deliver on a range of simple andcomplex IT projects. These have included upgrading their conference roomsystems and completing a functional and aesthetic clean up of their cabling

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